Ten Things You’ll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

If you work in the music industry, you know how crazy of a ride it can be. Here are ten things you’ll understand if you’re in the music industry.

1. Trying to get people to gigs


 You better hope there isn’t a cover charge.


Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

2. Your friends and family asking when you’re going to get a “real job”


“Mom… Music is a real job.”

“O.K., well where are your health benefits then?”


Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

3. That moment when you’re flat broke


And you swore off fast food. Tsk… Tsk… At least you have the latest Alabama Shakes record to keep you company while you down that four dollar meal. 


Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

4. That phone call when you finally get a big meeting with a decision maker


Deep breaths… deep breaths. Oh, you to have to reschedule until next week? Yeah, I guess that’s fine. Not sure how I’m going to deal with an another week of replaying imaginary conversations between us though.

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

5. The kick in the balls when they turn you down

Getting rejected happens to the best of us. Believe me when I say you’re not alone. 

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

6. Writing the greatest song you’ve ever written in the history of ever

Now the fun part: getting people to hear it. 

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

7. And having zero inspiration the next day

But I did so much yesterday. Can’t I just study Netflix for song ideas?

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

8. Just how vital it is to set your equipment up properly

Oh god. The post technical difficulty smile is so damn painful. 

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

9. Going crazy trying to be “fresh and original” yet stay commercial at the same time

Oh authenticity, you fickle mistress.

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry

10. The real meaning of the word “Hook”

You know it’s true.

12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry



11. Despite all the ups and downs, doing what you love


12South Music - Ten Things You'll Understand if You Work in the Music Industry


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