ACE Facebook: Tips on gaining fans and expanding personal brand.

Most artists, especially if they are just starting out, have a tendency to create a Facebook fan page to use as their home base. This is a good starting place, however, it seems as if they are not getting any “likes” or “comments” on their posts. So, after analyzing who seems to get the most action on Facebook, I have come up with some ideas on how to get better responses.

Failing at Facebook? Here’s how you can ACEbook.

  1. You are posting too often. Facebook is meant to showcase only certain parts of your life, not everything. Once a day, or once every few days is more than enough to maintain a solid media presence.
  2. Your status is too long. People have short attention spans, and mostly don’t care about information that doesn’t pertain to them. In fact, you are probably only skimming over this article right now! 
  3. You are not being you. Your personal brand needs to transfer over into your posts. It needs to be consistent. This task is less daunting than it may seem. You were given a unique voice and qualities as a person that makes you different from the next. Channel that. Then write something.
  4. You are posting words that are not your own. Song lyrics, bible verses, and quotes may speak to your heart. If you do this, make sure you are telling why you are posting it or making it part of your story. The most important aspect is to start a conversation. Get people talking about who you are and what you do.

These concepts are only important for Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites require a totally different plan of action. Recognizing what works and what doesn’t saves time and allows you to have more success!