Boring Facebook Cover Photo?

When it comes to Facebook your business page has two places to make a first impression. Your profile picture and your cover photo

You probably put a lot of thought into your profile photo because it’s your avatar all across Facebook, but what about your cover photo? A cover photo is valuable real estate where you can reinforce your brand and get important messages across. 

So… Lets walk through what you need to make an engaging and exciting cover photo!


  Choose a Platform to Build It  

There are many things you can use to build a cover photo: Photoshop, Fotor, even Office… but today we are going to be using CANVA to build our cover photo. This platform is free, easy to use, and offers a wide arrangement of graphic options. 



Decide on the Main Focus of Your Cover Photo

For this exercise we are going to develop a cover photo for a business selling guitar lessons. Our main focus will be on putting a face to the business, and offering viewers a quick understanding of what is offered.

We’ve decided to use a photograph – but you can use colors and graphics if you don’t have access to a high quality photo. 

The most important thing to remember is to make sure your cover is BOLD and draws attention!

Choose photograph


  Decide on Colors and Fonts that Represent Your Brand  

One of the most important aspects of the visual representation of your brand are fonts, colors, and secondary elements like logos and designs. Creating a branding guide for you business will help keep all your visuals cohesive. 

Use fonts and colors in your cover photo that are on brand. 




Write Your Message  

A cover photo is a great place to include calls-to-action, important info, quotes, etc. Since this is the largest graphic on your page it will naturally draw your visitor’s attention. Make it count!

You’ll see below that we listed the company name, that lessons are for all styles and levels, and a call to action encouraging visitors to message for a free first lesson. 

center text so message is clear


  Don’t Forget Mobile!  

FullSizeRenderIn today’s world most people will be viewing your page on a mobile device like a tablet or a phone so you always want to make sure your cover photo loads well on those devices, and make changes if words or images are cut off. 





  Now Upload!  

Now that you’ve built a cover photo that includes important text, fits your company’s branding, and is bold in every way – there’s only one thing left to do.

Upload your photo, then sit back and look at your fabulous Facebook Page!
