The Best Office Sound Track: 12SM’s Jams

Music in the office, pretty much a given in the music industry right? Most of us can’t imagine making it through the workday without some streaming service (we use Spotify) to keep us company, and we’ve all had that awful day when we forgot to bring our headphones to work. Here at 12South, we are no different. We freaking love music. Whether we’re bumping to one of our client’s new albums, or celebrating “Reggae Friday,” you’re guaranteed to hear music coming from our office throughout the day.

Music in the office isn’t just reserved for us industry folk either! During World War II, factories in Britain used to play music to workers to ease the nerves and aid in productivity. This was one of the first instances of music being used in the workplace to increase worker efficiency. Clearly Mr. Churchill was on to something. What a guy.


His metal horns need a little work but whatever.
His metal horns need a little work but whatever.


“Music in the office you say? Well what kind of music?” Well that depends. If it’s a slow morning, you might try something upbeat to get your energy up. If you’re all over the place, it may be a good idea to throw on some slower, more thoughtful tunes to help you focus in on the task at hand. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination, and the available tracks, I suppose. Here are a few of our favorite workplace vibes to get you started:



Fast approaching deadlines? Break room all out of coffee? Fear not, just reach for the nearest Daft Punk album and enjoy the funky electronic beats as they push you on through the workday. Whenever we need a little extra focus and energy, which is all the time, the techno albums start to appear like little motivational speakers, galvanizing through groove. Constant blaring of artists such as Zomboy, Deadmaus, and Pretty Lights have earned our development room the nickname, “Club Dev.” Reach for the nearest espresso and throw on some of our favorite techno artists, and you’re guaranteed to experience your second wind, one 808 at a time. If you don’t feel like you’re plugged into the matrix, you’re doing it wrong.






So you still need that energy kick, but you don’t want to feel like you just stepped into the matrix. We got ya covered. Throw on some Led Zeppelin, Jack White, or St. Vincent, and write emails like the rock god you are! If you have the good fortune to own a standing desk, now is the perfect time to strike a power stance and get all Bill Gates up in those spreadsheets! Upbeat rock is certain to help you overcome your mid-day fatigue and finish your workday strong! *Devil horns*

Only Bill can make a lavender sweater look hardcore




Sometimes in the mornings I just need to take a moment to really focus and plan out what I’m doing the rest of the day. Now is the time for planning not action. I’ll throw on a bit of Beethoven or Yo-Yo Ma and make my attack plan for the rest of the day. Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 helps me clear my head of all the distractions of the morning and focus on the day ahead of me. Mmm… Cellos playing arpeggios. <— That should be an avant-garde classical piece.

We love music, plain and simple, and we just wanted to share what we enjoy with you guys. Here is a link to our Spotify playlist, encompassing all of the above genres. Feel free to hit us up on twitter and let us now what your favorite work playlists, or add to ours!




Groove on.


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